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I was watching a Blu-ray yesterday when I noticed that it was really a dumb thing to watch a Blu-ray in 2017.

Ein Gastbeitrag von Matthew Theis.

I am experiencing problems with my Fire TV stick lately. Sometimes the Fire TV stick activates itself while watching something else on TV. In some cases all of a sudden the Fire TV stick menu shows up and you have to manually switch back to the source you had been watching before. Same thing was happening yesterday while watching “The first Avenger: Civil War” on Blu-ray. I had already not been amused with how long it took to get the movie playing in the first place. When you insert the Blu-ray disc into the player the disc first loads up. This comes with a lot of noises you’d expect from the Iron Man suit. Engines starting up, cogwheels clinging onto each other, systems reloading. But then the movie was playing. After 15 minutes the Fire TV Stick was probably asking itself what was going on. Who was this devil machine making all these noises? It activated itself and my movie stopped in the middle of a fight. I made the mistake of pushing the “Pause” button on my remote.

The movie stopped and I switched back from the Fire TV menu to the Blu-ray disc player source arriving on a blank screen. I hit the Play button I hit the Pause button. Nothing happened. I couldn’t get the movie or the player to continue playing the movie. There was nothing else I could do but to push the Power button. This worked. The player shut off. Perfect. At this point I was thinking about just taking the player into my hands and hitting it real hard on the drawer just to stop myself from doing stupid stuff like this once again: ordering Blu-ray movies in 2017. But “The first Avenger: Civil War” hadn’t been available on Netflix or Amazon Prime Video except for paying three times as much as ordering the movie on a Blu-ray disc. But I swear I will never do this again. So, I didn’t destroy the player hulklike on the drawer but instead turned it on again, waiting for the Blu-ray disc to load up, looking at the Marvel logo for 35 seconds before the menu shows up, selecting my language, waiting for the NEXT MENU to show up, hitting the Disc Menu button to skip the previews and arriving at the final menu now already feeling like Indiana Jones when he’s in front of the golden statue in Raiders of the Lost Ark. The final menu shows the “Play” option, the real “Play” option, the one that really starts the movie. I was hitting it in complete bliss, now 15 minutes or so had gone since the Fire TV menu had popped up unasked. Then the movie started at 0:00 minutes so I had to fast forward to approx. 15 minutes to arrive at where I left. I will never waste one thought as to why movie streaming services experience a steady growth.